Sunday, January 18, 2009

Better late than never!

This all started on Christmas day! Rod and Jolene (Jacob's parents) handed all of us a gift and said that we would all have to open them at the same time... Problem is, they turbo taped ours and probably didn't even tape theirs. Well they BLASTED us with silly string! So the war broke out and we all had a great time! They thought the war was over... But they were wrong! Alex, Elisabeth, Jacob and I spent new years eve with them. The plan was to blast them at the stroke of midnight! And we got them good!!! They leaned in for their new years kiss and we silly stringed them!

And yes we made them stay that way until we could find the camera!

Jacob and Alex.... definitely gloating.

Elisabeth and Elaina enjoying the pay back!

So we spent the rest of the night playing games and eating junk... We stayed up till 3:30 or 4:00 am. We had so much fun! That's what the holidays are for!

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